Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Social Media Are More Than One

Let's start by saying that media is plural, so the title of the below presentation is wrong and should say; "What Are Social Media". Besides that, this is another presentation where I like the quality of the information (including sources!) and love the interaction of words and pics. It makes such an immense difference. This is by the way the conservative version of the presention, the original one is called 'What the F..K is Social Media?' I prefer this one, when using it in schools - educators usually are not too keen on the f-word.

Monday, 9 November 2009


The speakers are lined up and ever more parties are joining the School Forum, the first Berlin platform on learning and technology for teachers and headmasters. 22 days and counting! Check out the website for the full programme and join this pre-conference School Forum of Online Educa Berlin - if you understand the German language that is!

Education & Technology Quotes

OK, quotes are corny, I agree. It may also be unimaginative, using someone elses thoughts. POn the other hands, don't we all do the same day in day out? These quotes are interesting and I like the way they are visualised. That is something I miss so often in so called 21st century education talks. Talk is of collaborative learningk, project work, away from frontal teaching, using attention-grabbing material - but often these presentations are wrapped up in the most boring slides, filled with wordsoup and avoid from any catchy visuals.

21st Century Learning

My photo
Teacher, trainer, Head of IT, mum of three online teens, into social networks, open educational resources and visual learning. Head in the Global Cloud and feet in the Dutch clay.