Friday, 20 September 2013

Vorsprung Durch Technik It Is Not

As a technology-friendly teacher in Germany I need newsletters and professional networks like a fish needs water. Some of these newsletters turn out to be a major disappointment and need to be put on the spamlist asap The German newsletter of Pro-Schule (Neue Medien) turned out to be one of those. Mostly identifying the problems and risks of the Internet and technology in general, they sit behind their Commodore 64 and produce headliners such as "Friends with the Teacher? This is What you Should Keep In Mind When You Share Social Networks With Your Students...." or "Does Your Principal Also Expect You Too Fix Your Own Computer?" This week they demonstrated just how avant-la-lettre they really are, when they presented the learning website of the week:

Derzeit stellen wir Ihnen interessante und sinnvolle Websites mit Lerneffekt für Ihre Schüler vor.

Heute: Die Maus erklärt das Internet

Die berühmte WDR-Sendung „Die Sendung mit der Maus“ bildet nun auch im Internet. Unter dem interessanten und vielfachen Angebot finden Sie auf der Internetseite die Sachgeschichten der Sendung als Video versammelt, z. B. die Sachgeschichte zum Thema Internet. Klicken Sie dazu auf der Navigationsleiste auf Sachgeschichten den Buchstaben „I“. Das 8-minütige Video erklärt jungen SchülerInnen anschaulich, wie Internet-Adressen funktionieren, was ein Provider ist und wie vernetzte Rechner zusammen arbeiten. Dieses Video eignet sich besonders als Einstieg in den ersten multimedialen Unterricht.

First of all Pro-Schule doesn't even manage to send the direct link to the show, which would have been Instead they mention that this video can be found under the I for Internet.... Secondly; this video about Internet stems from 1999, and is nearly 15 years old! As if nothing happened, no cloud, no Wlan, no social networks, no Web 2.0. But Die Maus; that is German culture, history - that is reliable!

Vorprung durch Technik - not when it comes to technology for the classroom....

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21st Century Learning

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Teacher, trainer, Head of IT, mum of three online teens, into social networks, open educational resources and visual learning. Head in the Global Cloud and feet in the Dutch clay.