Yes, Shelearner is a she learner; I'm a woman and I love frills - now and then. And who could resist this netbook? Fashion in IT, does it mean that women are taken seriously as users or does it imply the exact opposite; are those guys at HP thinking; 'let's cover our netbooks in floral prints, so all those little women out there will be thrilled. They won't care about the technical aspects, as long as it looks pretty'. Or is there a woman at the HP-top who realizes that women do differ from men and rightly so - that we are not afraid to show our femininity and that that is exactly what makes our generation different from the one before us who claimed that women are the same as men and needed to be treated in the same way. When it comes to function and salary - yes, treat me in the same way. When it comes to social behaviour, communication skills and - yes - floral patterned netbooks - women are different and I for one don't mind showing it. So - where's my credit card?!
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